Please do join us for this fantastic film, it’s one of the best ever! A very moving story taken from Rudyard Kipling’s classic book with some beautiful cinematography. The fishing shots off the Grand Banks and the ships under full sail are quite unbeatable. Starring Spencer Tracy!

Don’t miss this chance to watch a great film in a friendly atmosphere at the St Giles in the Fields Church Hall just over the road from Arthur Beale.  Admission is £5.00 or free with any purchase from Arthur Beale worth £15.00 or over. Come along early to browse the shop. Film starts at 18:45 and finishes around 20:30. It is obviously going to be a great evening!

Places will need to be limited so please reserve your spot by emailing

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Thursday 3rd November 18.30 for a 18:45 start – 20:30pm











PS. We’ve been shortlisted for the Time Out Love London Awards. If you have a spare moment it would be great if you can vote for us. It would make a massive difference if we won the award. Vote here: