MEDWAY AND SWALE BOATING ASSOCIATION – Conference on Maritime Heritage of the Swale and Medway

10.00 Welcome and introduction by MSBA Chairman Brian Corbett
10.10 The early history of the Medway by Tony Lavelle
10.50 “Breaking the Chain” by Richard Holdsworth MBE from the
Chatham Historic Dockyard
11.30 Morning Coffee break
12.00 Wilf Lower- Medway Tales
12.40 Lunch
13.40 Councillor Alan Jarrett- Medway Council
14.20 David Newbury- Peel Ports
15.00 Afternoon Tea break
15.20 Henry Cleary OBE- Maritime Heritage Trust
16.00 Exploring the Medway and Swale by Hovercraft by Gavin Parson
16.40 Closing words from our patron Kelly Tolhurst MP


Entry price including tea/coffee and lunch £15. *£12 if booked before 18th February

For full details and booking: