Scores of historic vessels are invited to fill the harbour, re-creating the sights, smells and flavour of what was once an important, vibrant fishing port – the granite quays date from the 17th and 19th centuries.
Traditional wooden vessels, (from Brittany to Falmouth) rigged with spars and tan sails line the harbour wall. They then set out for an impressive parade of sail over the three days, a sight that stirs the heart of even the most hardened land lubber.
The harbour is the main focus, with visits from traditional craft, a full programme of rowing and sailing races, activities especially for the children, music, fun and games, traditional craft demonstrations, open artists’ studios, and of course plenty of local fare to eat and drink. The festival lasts over a three-day weekend with a variety of different events, performances and amusements.

Skippers. In your planning to get here, please note that there will be a crew supper on Friday evening. Please try and get moored up by 19.30hrs, or your beer ‘n fish stew will be thinned down.



Boats at Mousehole