The Cruising Association’s (CA) annual Log Competition is one of the most important events in its calendar, dating back to the 1920s. There are nine prestigious trophies awarded to members for the best log of a cruise carried out in the most recent season in a variety of categories. The osCA, sponsored by Haven Knox-Johnston, is awarded for the best video log of a cruise.

Highlights of the entries submitted from 2020, a most unusual year, include Alan Kohler’s winning log in the Yachting World Family Cruising Trophy: Best log of a family cruise.

The competition judge was Cathy Brown, a former editor of Cruising magazine, who commented:

“This was one of my favourites of all entries in this year’s log competition – something completely different. Forced by Covid restrictions to abandon his plan to take his grandchildren through the Crinan Canal, Alan Kohler came up with the idea of taking them day sailing – entirely permitted within the rules.

“This log records some of the shortest voyages ever mentioned in the CA log competition – in one case only 200 metres! But as he [Alan] points out, it is not the length of the voyage that matters when cruising with young children, but the experiences gained. Short day sails and playing in the dinghy proved the ideal solution, for everybody. It neatly illustrates why the Yachting World Family Cruising Trophy is one of the most important prizes on offer in the CA log competition.”

The top prize of The Hanson Cup for the best log of a cruise of any duration, goes to James Littlewood, with Judge Cathy full of praise.

“This log has absolutely everything – excellent photographs, useful maps and charts, all the passage-making information needed to follow the route – and generous coverage of all the incidental pleasures of cruising: eating and drinking, shopping, cycle touring, local history, wildlife, and plenty more besides. It also touches on the downsides of Covid restrictions and Brexit implications. Most of all, the log is a very entertaining read, laced with self-deprecating humour.

The osCA goes to…Graham Keating
The osCA is awarded for the best video log of a cruise (Vlog), and it has been awarded to Graham Keating for ‘The post-lockdown shakedown – a cruise west from Dartmouth’. As this category is currently sponsored by Haven Knox-Johnston insurance, Graham also wins a Hero7 GoPro, worth £200, as part of his prize.

Cathy’s views on Graham’s video:  “This YouTube video is made to a highly professional standard, complete with background music, use of varied and imaginative camera angles, elegant transitions between sections, and lots of useful information. There is no shortage of interest, with everything from pilotage notes, and an internal tour of the boat, to explanations of such technical issues as AIS, wind against tide sea conditions, reefing – and even gin time!”

You can watch the winning video here:

All winners receive certificates and an engraved gift.

The full list of winners is as follows:

  • Hanson Cup: Best log of a cruise of any duration
    James Littlewood/Suffolk
  • Dugon Cup: Best log of a cruise in a vessel of not more than 32 feet

    Hanson Cup: Best log of a cruise of any duration

    Anne Busch/Spain

  • Yachting World Family Cruising Trophy: Best log of a family cruise
    Alan Kohler/Midlothian
  • Lacey trophy: Best member’s website or blog
    Chris Adams/London
  • The osCA: Best video log
    Graham Keating/Somerset
  • Dolphin Cup: Best Photographic Log
    Helen Shrewsbury/Cornwall
  • The Hanson Cup: Best log of a cruise of any duration
    James Littlewood/Suffolk
  • Practical Boat Owner Prize: Best photographic log of a cruise under one week’s duration
    Michael de Pomerai/Surrey
  • Love Cup: Best log of a cruise under 30 days’ duration
    Malcolm Denham/Dorset
  • Hammett Trophy: Best log of a cruise using the CA’s Crewing Service
    Peter John Bell/Hampshire

Main photo: Graham Keating on his way west