Maidens win

2020-11-06T11:23:27+00:00March 8th, 2019|News|

As the film of Maiden opened in selected cinemas across the UK Tracy Edwards was being honoured as the joint winner of the Yachtsman of the Year trophy, together with Nikki Henderson. And in a hat-trick for women and sailing the Young Sailor of the Year Award also went to a girl - 15-year-old Emily [...]

Maiden – How Tracy Edwards broke the women-at-sea myth

2020-11-06T11:23:31+00:00February 28th, 2019|News, Snugberth Cinema|

Documentary 2018 Dir: Alex Holmes 93 mins Maiden opens in UK cinemas on Friday 8th March This is a truly inspirational film. It takes us back a bit, though not too far, to 1989 and the Round the World Whitbread – a gruelling nine-month yacht race presided over by lantern-jawed skippers and winch-grinding gorillamen, testosterone [...]

Maiden stops in Plymouth

2020-11-06T11:24:03+00:00November 16th, 2018|News|

 Tracy Edwards' restored maxi yacht Maiden set off on her 54,000 mile round-the-world voyage promoting education for girls last week, but has put into Plymouth for repairs. Maiden had seen her voyage delayed by several weeks as issues to do with coding the vessel and other matters were sorted out. She left the Hamble bound for [...]

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