When the steering failed on Julian Mustoe’s 25ft yacht Harrier of Down in the North Sea, he sent a radio message to the Shetland Lifeboat, and in doing so initiated both media headlines (in which he was derogatively described as “an 82-year-old pensioner”) and a chain of events which led to the total loss of his boat, which was also his home.

Mustoe, an experienced sailor and circumnavigator, was on passage to Bergen, Norway, on
7 October when a stainless- steel block in the steering gear fractured, leaving him without means of control. He rejected an initial offer of an airlift as he didn’t want to abandon his boat, and saw no need to. He was then picked up by the Norwegian patrol boat KV Bergen which took his boat in tow. He awoke to the news that she was sinking and had the awful sight of seeing her, still under tow, disappearing beneath the waves.

It is not known what caused the yellow Folksong design to founder. Nigel later told a reporter: “I could see my lovely little boat struggling for her life. Slowly she sank lower in the water. One last time her bow came up out of the water as if she was gasping for breath. Then her hull slipped beneath the surface.”

Julian returned to the UK to stay with friends.

A cowd-funding campaign has been started to help Julian back on his feet: crowdfunding.justgiving.com/harrierappeal

Full story in the December issue of CS.

The sight that greeted Julian when he came on deck - shortly after this the tow rope snapped and Harrier of Down disappeared beneath the surface taking many of Juliamn's posessions with her

The sight that greeted Julian when he came on deck – shortly after this the tow rope snapped and Harrier of Down disappeared beneath the surface taking many of Julian’s posessions with her

Julian arrives safely in Bergen, Norway October 9.

Julian arrives safely in Bergen, Norway October 9.