Dec 6 2016:  2018 Golden Globe Race Press conference at the Paris Nautique Exhibition.  Golden Globe Race skippers attending the Presentation on stage:  Left to right: Loïc Lepage (60) France, Gregor McGuckin (30) Ireland, Jean-Luc van den Heede (71) France, Carl Huber (56) USA, Mark Sinclair (58) Australia, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston (UK) winner of the first Sunday Times Golden Globe Race in 1968/9, Susie Goodall (27) UK,  Nérée Cornuz (27 Switzerland, Lionel Regnier (57)  France, Antoine Cousot (45) France, Patrick Phelipon (63) France, Nabil Amra (41) Palestine, Istvan Kopar (63) USA, Are Wiig (57)  Norway.

30 sailors…30,000 miles…non-stop alone…no outside assistance

Dateline December 6, 2016 – Salon Nautique de Paris: Nine French skippers head the 30-strong entry for the 2018 Golden Globe Race starting from England in June 2018. The 30,000 mile solo, non-stop round the world race is being staged to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the original Sunday Times Golden Globe Race back in 1968/9 which led to Sir Robin Knox-Johnston becoming the first man to sail solo non-stop around the world.

The French entrants are:
Jean-Luc van den Heede (71), five-time circumnavigator who holds the record for the fastest solo west-about non-stop circumnavigation against the prevailing winds and currents
Eric Loizeau (66) A veteran of two Whitbread round the world races, and a former French Yachtsman of the Year
Lionel Regnier (55) who has made 23 Atlantic crossings
Antoine Cousot (45) who has sailed the equivalent of three circumnavigations delivering yachts to all corners of the globe
Phillipe Peche (54) a two-time holder of the Jules Verne trophy for the fastest non-stop sailing circumnavigation
Patrick Phelipon (63), who like Loizeau, is one of legendary French yachtsman Eric Tabarly’s sailing disciples.
Loïc Lepage (60) who has more than 20,000 miles of solo sailing under his belt including three trans-Biscay and four transatlantic crossings
Arsène Ledertheil (58) currently No 2 on the Wait list
Francois Gouin (56) currently No 3

Professional sailors and adventurers dominate the entry list but competitors also include a farmer, furniture maker, foreign exchange trader, engineer and two teachers who represent 12 Countries: Australia (4), Brazil (1), Estonia (1), France (9), Ireland (1), Italy (2), Norway (1), Palestine (1), Russia (1), Switzerland (1), UK (5), and the USA (3). Their average age is 48. The youngest are 27 (one British woman, an American and a Swiss entrant). The oldest is 71 year-old Jean-Luc van den Heede. All have considerable short and single-handed sailing experience.



The 2018 Golden Globe Race travels back in time to the ‘Golden Age’ of solo sailing. Robin Knox-Johnston’s 9.75m traditional ketch rigged yacht Suhaili was heavily built of teak and carried no computers, GPS, satellite phone nor water-maker, and Robin completed the challenge with no outside assistance or aid of modern day shore-based weather routing advice. He had only a wind-up chronometer and a barograph ‘borrowed’ from an English pub to face the world alone, and caught rainwater to survive. Only one other of the original 9 entrants, Frenchman Bernard Moitessier, had any chance to challenge Knox-Johnston to become the first to sail solo non-stop around the world, but after rounding Cape Horn 2 weeks behind, decided he’d had enough of civilisation and, ‘to save my soul’, continued sailing round the Southern Ocean rather than return to Europe. He eventually dropped anchor in a Tahiti lagoon.
This anniversary edition of the Golden Globe Race is a celebration of the original event, the winner, his boat and that significant world-first achievement. Competitors in the 2018 race will be sailing simple boats using basic equipment to guarantee a satisfying and personal experience. The challenge is pure and very raw, placing adventure ahead of winning at all costs. It is for ‘those who dare’, just as it was for Sir Robin. They will be navigating with sextant on paper charts, without electronic instruments or autopilots. They will hand-write their logs and determine the weather for themselves. Only occasionally will they talk to loved ones and the outside world when long-range high frequency and ham radios allow.


History of the GGR
Robin’s race was a seemingly endless series of dramas, failures, broken gear and near catastrophe. In fact, the voyage went from bad to worse: a serious leak just two weeks into the race, the unwelcome attention of a shark he finally had to shoot, a debilitating attack of jaundice, a massive knock-down in the Southern Ocean throwing him and everything else on board all over the cabin, a complete failure of his wind-vane self-steering gear requiring him to hand-steer from Australia back to England, and then another storm and near dismasting during which Suhaili was suffering so much Robin prepared to launch his liferaft. But for Robin, this race was not just about finishing. He believed he could win. He kept in touch with how the other competitors were doing as often as was possible via single-sideband radio, but that too failed long before the finish. He didnt know for sure that he was going to win until he was close to Falmouth. He landed to a hero’s welcome and massive public acclaim… and eventually, after other achievements, a well-deserved knighthood.

The 2018 GGR will be run under the auspices of the Royal Nomuka Yacht Club based in Tonga. His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Tupouto’a Ulukalala of Tonga is Patron of the Race.

The Race in numbers
The course: 30,000 miles with 4 rendezvous gates
30 entrants plus 3 on wait list.
Competitors represent 13 countries (some entrants remain confidential until sponsorship is announced)
America (4) Australia (3) Brazil (1) Britain (5) Estonia (1) France (7)) Ireland (1) Italy (2) Palestine (1) Switzerland (1)
Oldest competitor: Jean-Luc van den Heede (FRA) 71.
Youngest competitors: aged 27:  Roy Hubbard (USA) Susie Goodall (GBR) and Nérée Cornuz (Swiss)

Don McIntyre (60) Race Founder
Don is an inveterate sailor and recognised as one of Australia’s greatest explorers. Passionate about all forms of adventure and inspiring others, his desire is to recreate the Golden Age of solo sailing. Don finished 2nd in class in the 1990-91 BOC Challenge solo around the world yacht race. In 2010, he led the 4-man Talisker Bounty Boat challenge to re-enact the Mutiny on the Bounty voyage from Tonga to West Timor, in a similar boat and with same limited supplies available to Captain Bligh 221 years before.
He says of the skippers competing in the GGR. “They will be navigating with sextant on paper charts, without electronic instruments or autopilots. They will hand–write their logs, cook with kerosene and determine the weather for themselves. Only occasionally will they talk to loved ones and the outside world when long-range high frequency and ham radios allow”.

From Barry Pickthall