Hyde Sails announce massive loft space increase due to unprecedented demand

“We have just increased our loft by 33% to nearly 6000 m2,an area that approximates to 25 tennis courts, due to a relentless increase in demand” says MD Nigel Grogan, ” Staff will also increase from the current level of 257 to around 300. ” We are finding that business is growing across all our sectors, our network of International distributors are doing very well, our Own Label customers are all very busy and the many boat builders we supply all appear to be booming, while in the UK, One Design, Keelboat and Yacht sails are the busiest they have ever been in Hyde’s 51 year history”

Hyde Sails are UK owned and managed with offices in Hamble and Ipswich. They used to manufacture in South Benfleet but relocated production to the Philippine island of Cebu, where they have one of the biggest sail lofts in the world. All staff have a comprehensive range of benefits that include healthcare allowances as well as 13 month pay packages

Website: www.hydesails.co.uk