The simple joys of owning a Twister (or similar well found GRP classic) are conveyed by Trevor Clifton on page 26 of  this issue of CS (March 2016 No6), but if you enjoyed his tale of taking her south to Cape Horn and back and want to read a bit more on the subject then he has just self-published a book of his watery wanderings which tells of the trip in his no-nonsense and seamanlike style.
The book is more than just a travelogue as Trevor overcomes leaks, bad weather and the trials of the North and South Atlantic and would be a good read for anyone wanting to take off into the blue like that.
And the Twister turns out to be an ideal boat to single-hand over a this huge distance. DH

£12.50 inc p&p.  Paperback: 132 pages Pub: Amazon 2015

You can contact Trevor direct by email: