To delve into this book is to yearn to be making passage across the Channel and close with the magical parts of coast described in this valuable book. Peter Cumberlidge has done more than a basic pilotage book here – although the chartlets and descriptions for this third edition are all updated; he includes a wealth of colour photos, well taken which provide a wonderful backdrop to this most unspoilt area. On the way he’ll detour to describe the pink onions of Roscoff or to describe the Battle of Quiberon Bay in 1759!

But it’s the little tucked away spots that you are going to need if you are cruising these waters or preparing to. Take a pilgrimage to the Odet, Tabarly’s training ground; he guides you upriver above the reaches of any madding crowds and advises to anchor in the bays and inlets rather than the river itself which can be rocky. The inlets are where mud has settled so there is better holding… So of Lanroz, for instance he says: “anchor in the bight of the west aside of the main river, just opposite Lanroz and its château over to the east. This sheltered spot looks north across the wide expanse where the river opens into the shallow Baie de Kérogan…”

The book is pure torture of course, if you’re not afloat yet. DH

Imray, 294pp, 2016 Buy it: HERE