Two Dutch sailors are behind bars after trying to smuggle two tonnes of cocaine into Europe aboard a sailing ketch. The yacht was intercepted by Border Force cutter HMS Vigilant 120 nM south west of Cornwall and brought into Newlyn on Friday morning. Newlyn’s Harbourmaster closed the port while a bomb disposal team examined the vessel.
The cocaine was discovered in a compartment in the lazarette under the aft deck. Border force officers estimated it might have a streat value of between £200m and £300m – it is the second largest haul of its kind in UK history.

Dutch yachtsmen Maarten Peter Pieterse, 59, and Emile Adriaan Jeroen Schoemaker, 44, sailing the Netherlands-registered yacht Marcia, were intercepted after intelligence gathering involving police forces in the Netherlands, France and Portugal along with the UK National Maritime Information Centre and the joint Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre – Narcotics in Lisbon. On Saturday they appeared before magistrates in Bristol by video link from Camborne, and were charged with knowingly carrying a controlled Class A drug. They were remanded in custody until 20 August.

Image: PA