Now available in our webshop

Our first chart release for 2020 is the well-known DKW 1800 series, based on the paper charts from the Dutch Hydrographical Service. Starting now, you can purchase the new chart sets in our webshop or download them for free if you bought the chart set during our pre sale.

Free weekly BaZ updates
The DKW 1800 series 2020 are fully updated and will be updated further according to the weekly BaZ updates (Notices to Mariners) for the entirety of 2020. Updating is easy in WinGPS 5 and the WinGPS Marine series for Android and iOS. At startup, the charts will be checked for updates which can be downloaded directly (when an internet connection is available).

20 years DKW1800 series
This year the popular DKW 1800 series celebrates it’s 20th anniversary. This digital chart was first sold on CD-ROM 20 years ago and has been installed by many satisfied users since then. At that time there were around 10 updates per year. In 2020 you can easily download the DKW1800 on your Windows laptop / PC, on your Android device and on your iPhone or iPad and they will be updated every week.

When you have a 2019 edition of the DKW 1800 series, the charts will no longer be updated. The last BaZ update was from week 51 of 2019. When you want to upgrade from the 2019 edition to the 2020 edition we offer a special upgrade price.

Are you sailing on outdated charts from 2018 or older? Then we recommend that you purchase the DKW1800 2020 series new so that you are provided with all updates and can sail safely all year round.

Geul van Baarland

The Reevediep

Sailing route Waardgronden

What is new?

  • The situation in the Westerschelde has been adjusted, especially in Geul van Baarland many changes in depth and buoyage are implemented.
  • A new flood protection system has been installed between Drontermeer and Vossemeer: The Reevediep and the associated structures are connected to the Randmeer. The new situation is on the chart and in the course of 2020 the definitive nautical situation will be charted.
  • Like every year, the wadden channels are adjusted to their current form. The sailing route Waardgronden no longer has permanent buoyage.
Service Card discount
Service Card 2020 holders receive € 20,- discount on the new DKW 1800 Complete 2020 and € 10,- discount on the upgrade to the 2020 edition. The discount will automatically be deducted.

Don’t wait too long with buying the Service Card as it will only be available until WinGPS 5 2020 is released. With the Service Card you will receive the latest edition of WinGPS 5 and can profit from several offers and promotions.


With kind regards,
Team Stentec Navigation

tel: +31 (0) 515 – 443 515