Lucy L Ford: Blind Navigation

2018-11-27T09:51:32+00:00November 11th, 2018|Yarns|

In which Lucy describes sailing with a very short-sighted skipper I had noticed that there had been much squinting at the chart plotter, and now he tells me... I sometimes wonder whether the blonde slim affair of the Skipper’s fifty-something dreams would be seen dead on his boat. Let alone hanging off the bow in [...]

The Christmas List

2020-11-06T11:26:01+00:00April 26th, 2018|Yarns|

By Lucy L Ford For Christmas, the skipper gave me a voluminous pair of bright yellow, waterproof dungarees. A perfect match for the bright yellow, ill-fitting wellingtons purchased the year before. Whilst I might admit to domestic proportions that are more ample than are convenient for the skipper’s middle-aged fantasies – these would have fitted [...]

Lucy L Ford: She’s a mistress, so why bother learning to tie a knot?

2018-05-08T12:58:59+01:00February 5th, 2018|Yarns|

The skipper took his first mistress in 1992. She was not the blonde, slim thing that I had been expecting. In fact, when I first saw her, I thought she was sagging a bit round the axils; she was defiantly broad in the beam. He however was clearly besotted and disappeared down her hatch to [...]

Lucy L Ford and her “dinghy experience”

2020-11-06T11:28:11+00:00November 11th, 2016|Yarns|

We have some great writers on Classic Sailor. And here is a great piece, from Lucy L Ford, on the pitfalls of going ashore in the dinghy: The ‘dinghy experience’ for the ungainly housewife has never quite been welcomed as the opportunity for ‘challenge and adventure’, that it should have been. On the contrary, it [...]

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