Copying The Champions – Is That Cheating?

2021-10-08T13:05:46+01:00October 8th, 2021|Features|

To someone unfamiliar with our sport, two identical boats should sail at the same speed given equal crews, the same wind, and the same wave conditions. What an outsider may not realise is that small changes in identical equipment can make big differences in boat speed and performance. A couple of turns on a forestay [...]

Off to the races? Here’re 15 tips to make it go better

2021-10-08T14:38:18+01:00June 18th, 2021|Seamanship|

Racing is a great way to improve your sailing skills Here Brett Bowden goes through 15 TACTICAL TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR RESULTS as part of his Sailing to Win series  Key tactical tips on how to improve your sailing both upwind, downwind, and around the course. When sailing downwind, use your masthead wind indicator to [...]

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