Classic Sailor Magazine – Online

2019-11-26T21:19:26+00:00February 22nd, 2018|Previous_editions|

Classic Sailor is an online magazine for all who love boats and boating and publishes news and features covering seamanship in seaworthy boats: GRP, wood and other materials. Ours is a broad approach aimed at sailors who enjoy some of the traditions of sailing and we cover a wide range of boating activities, from rowing [...]

Classic Sailor Magazine Issue 18 – October-November 2017

2023-07-27T13:03:00+01:00October 6th, 2017|Previous_editions|

In the 1926 drawing room play On Approval by Frederick Lonsdale, Maria, a wealthy widow, invites her long-time dinner companion Richard to spend a month at her house in Scotland. If she still likes him after a month together, they will marry... This issue of Classic Sailor features a similar tale, albeit under the travails of [...]

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