Bill King on Galway Blazer, 1968 Golden Globe Race

2020-11-06T11:21:02+00:00May 14th, 2020|Heritage, Life Afloat, Snugberth Cinema|

An elegiac film on Cdr Bill King RN who entered the 1968 Golden Globe race in his cold-moulded two masted junk rig schooner Galway Blazer II. With no shrouds or guard rails it looks a frightening boat to be on deck, especially looking at that camber but King rigged a wire jackstay from stem to [...]

Jean-Luc Van Den Heede “will carry on”

2020-11-06T11:24:14+00:00November 1st, 2018|News|

  Race leader will continue after knock-down and mast damage but gets 18 hour time penalty for calling wife on satphone Matmut in unrealistically calm waters... she faces the Horn with damaged mast Poor old Jean-Luc Van Den Heede, who suffered a knockdown and mast damage (see our post below). He decided he [...]

Lepage dismasted and rescued – Golden Globe

2020-11-06T11:24:20+00:00October 21st, 2018|News|

 Update Tuesday Oct 23:   French solo yachtsman Loïc Lepage was successfully transferred from his dismasted yacht Laaland by the Japanese bulk carrier Shiosai at 00:53 UTC Monday. The rescue, which took place in the South Indian Ocean some 670 miles SW of Perth Western Australia, commenced shortly after first light once the Australian P-8A [...]

Race leaders in south east trades

2020-11-06T11:24:40+00:00August 7th, 2018|News|

  73 year old French global racing veteran Jean-Luc Van Den Heede is leading the race. This week could determine who leads the Golden Globe Race. Forget the computer standings. As this fleet of singlehanders bash their way through the South East Trade winds towards the Roaring Forty latitudes of the South Atlantic, all eyes [...]

Les Sables welcomes Golden Globers after first feeder race from Falmouth

2020-11-06T11:25:08+00:00June 18th, 2018|News|

Main photo: GGR skippers congregate in Les Sables d'Olonne. Back row left to right: Loic Lepage (FRA) Uku Randmaa (EST), Tapio Lehtinen (FIN) Don McIntyre - Race Founder, Abhilash Tomy (Ind) LSDO sport) Are Wiig (NOR) Jean Paul Dubreuil (Vice President LSDO) Agglomeration Yannick Moreau (President LSDO Agglomeration; Mark Sinclair (AUS) Ertan Beskardes (GBR) Mark [...]

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